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A live-action film adaptation premiered in June 2023. Plot[edit] In the small city of Nanao, insomniac Ganta Nakami tries to catch a nap in his school's abandoned astronomical observatory. There he stumbles upon a sociable and carefree girl named Isaki Magari who has the same problem. The two form an awkward friendship and reestablish their school's defunct astronomy club. Characters[edit] Ganta Nakami (中見 丸太, Nakami Ganta) Voiced by: Gen Satō[3] Portrayed by: Daiken Okudaira[4] A high school student of Kuyo High School who suffers from insomnia. He comes off as grumpy and unfriendly due to his condition. However, after meeting Isaki, he opens up to the people around him and reveals to Isaki that the cause of his insomnia is due to separation anxiety caused by his mother leaving him and his father. Ganta is determined to protect the observatory and the revived Astronomy Club, of which he is the president. He becomes Isaki's boyfriend at the end of the club trip during the summer holiday of their first year. He aims to get into a university with a nursing program in Kanazawa, Ishikawa, inspired by his desire to always be at Isaki's side. Isaki Magari (曲 伊咲, Magari Isaki) Voiced by: Konomi Tamura[3] Portrayed by: Nana Mori[4] A cheerful high school girl who also suffers from insomnia like Ganta.
Sonny Boy’s at least a show that’s easy to appreciate on a stylistic level. Eguchi Hisashi, who hasn’t designed anime characters since the turn of the millennium, created a very distinctly designed cast in spite of their similarities from the head down. The way characters’ faces look avoids following the lazy expectation for modern anime art direction. Most episodes have some sort of impressive visual flex, like Episode 2 with the atmosphere established by the paper-looking blue fire, though particularly Episode 5 and Episode 8 for their specific style of animation and shading when distinguishing the mental realms. The mental twisting of many dimensions of pattered color is a particular animation highlight whenever it comes up, the bus flying through it in Episode 9 like it were The Magic School Bus’s serious YA adaptation. It does tend to shortcut with several static shots of faceless characters, but it has an especially unique choice for background characters in them being shaded like the type of “anime minimalist wallpaper” you can easily find on Google Images.