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^ a b c Abanes, Mariel (February 21, 2023). "Suzume no Tojimari to premiere in Southeast Asia this March". NME. Archived from the original on February 22, 2023. Retrieved February 22, 2023. ^ 신카이 감독 신작 '스즈메의 문단속', 2023년 3월8일 국내 개봉. IT Chosun (in Korean). The Chosun Ilbo. December 7, 2022. Archived from the original on December 9, 2022. Retrieved December 9, 2022.

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party has become the ultimate destination for Kemono fans. Whether you’re searching for the latest artwork from your favorite artist or discovering new Kemono content, this website has it all. Social Media Platforms for Kemono Artists and Fans For Kemono artists and fans looking to connect with like-minded individuals, several popular social media platforms cater to this unique community. Instagram and Patreon are two popular platforms for sharing artwork and supporting artists. Additionally, Mastodon, an open-source alternative to Twitter, has gained popularity among Kemono fans for its focus on privacy and security. These social media platforms provide a space for Kemono artists to showcase their work, and for fans to engage with the community. By following and supporting Kemono creators on these platforms, fans can stay up-to-date with their favorite artists and discover new talent. The Growing Kemono Community: From Tokyo to the World The Kemono community has experienced significant growth in recent years, with fans spanning the globe and connecting through various online platforms and websites. From international Kemono conventions to online communities dedicated to the fandom, the Kemono community’s reach extends far beyond Japan’s borders. This global expansion of the Kemono community demonstrates the genre’s enduring appeal and its ability to transcend cultural barriers. As more fans discover the enchanting world of Kemono, the community will continue to flourish, fostering a sense of unity and belonging among enthusiasts worldwide. ^ Shihei, Rin [@SHIHEILIN] (September 6, 2021). 『チェンソーマン』初小説が11月4日発売決定❗️ デンジ&パワー、姫野&アキ、岸辺&クァンシ達の知られざる物語。カバー・作中カットは藤本タツキ描き下ろし✨ 必読の小説オリジナルストーリー!!️『チェンソーマン バディ・ストーリーズ』 (原作:藤本タツキ 小説:菱川さかく)是非に、ご予約を✨📚 (Tweet) (in Japanese) – via Twitter. ^ チェンソーマン バディ・ストーリーズ. Jump j Books (in Japanese). Shueisha. Archived from the original on October 5, 2021.
A This, along with communication problems with his new editor, and other problems in Kamiya's life caused a month delay in volume four's release. LN 4. A After completing volume five, Kamiya was asked to submit volume six's manuscript before 2014 for the anime adaptation, and to complete the volume before the anime's premiere. LN 5. A, 6. A No.