black clover nombre dépisodes
"The Limit-Limit March" 108. "So What? It's Aquatic! (Dragon Kingfish)" 109. "Filleting the Dragonfish" 110. "Roars and Destruction as a Beacon" 111. "The Wolf-Gang
Leaves the Sea for the Skyscrapers" 112. "Top Meteor in the Shower" 113. "Good and
Evil Across the Chaotic Town" 114. "The Thing with Licensed Games" 115. "Mixing Up Chaos in the Wintry Whirlpool" 13 May 17, 2023[57][58]978-4-06-531586-6
978-4-06-531585-9 (LE)December 5, 2023 (digital)[59]
August 27, 2024 (print)[60]979-8-88933-287-9 (digital)
979-8-88877-064-1 (print) 116. "The Miraculous Light Boasts its Glory for Just One Moment" 117. "Which Way is the Longest?" 118.
As he is dragged to the surface by Starlia’s telekinesis he recalls he was
Lakucia’s soldier and he rejoices at being reminded of his love for her, even if it means Starlia kills him. Borgius, having regained his former power for his suicide attack, joins the battle and saves Olto Zora. Seeing Starlia unconscious Olto Zora recalls his human past, his friends, Lakucia’s murder by Waltekamui and his transformation into a Monarch. Feeling unable to kill her he invites Starlia to become a Monarch. Enraged Starlia summons a giant silverine spear infused with the willpower of all surviving corps members, which her subordinate Christopher uses, not to kill Olto Zora, but to hurl at the far away Taratectra, causing a
massive explosion. 17"My Comrade"
Transliteration: "Watashi no dōshi" (Japanese: 私の同志)Naoyoshi KusakaDeko AkaoAkira NishimoriFebruary 11, 2024 (2024-02-11) The spear glances off Taratectra’s armour but is caught in mid-air by Ragna. Taratectra narrowly escapes dying instantly in the explosion but is still mortally injured. Having also been a human soldier who served Princess Lakucia Taratectra bids farewell to Olto Zora as a comrade then commits suicide in a massive explosion. Ragna struggles to contain the blast which is powerful enough to kill everyone in the forest. Starlia senses Ragna keeping some power in reserve to stop her inferior sword breaking, so she astral-projects her spirit to his side to lend him some of her own power and glimpses Future-Ragna inside his soul. With her help Ragna stops the explosion and saves everyone.
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