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For what's worth, it's refreshing that the author created a diverse range cast to entertain the fans.
While Lay-Duce hasn't been a mainstream studio that made everlasting impressions from their portfolio, I can confidentally say that this is their most impressive one yet. Character designs are crafted with vibrant colors and expressions that makes sense. Their cartoony reactions are amplified often during moments of anxiety or surprise. Tomo is the biggest culprit because of her crush on Jun. We shouldn't look away from Misuzu though as she always has that devilish look of mischievousness.

0 - 500 days ago $localHistory_by_source_items[15243254]. _text_epi $localHistory_by_source_items[15243254]. _time_ago Source Deer (#15268763 / 1 chs) [Vol. 0 Ch. 1 - Vol. 0 Ch.


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Before she could tell him what she would do if Vegapunk was unable to do so, Sabo sensed some guards and the two hid from them. The guards commented that they were short-staffed, and one of them mentioned that some guards had seen the "Lost Chamber", which piqued Sabo's attention. After Sabo and Bonney exited the castle, Sabo wished Bonney luck and she told him to look after her father for her. Elsewhere, the Five Elders asked King Cobra what he wanted to speak to them about. Cobra told them that he knew the World Government had been founded 800 years ago when twenty monarchs had come together, along with their families, to live as one clan, the World Nobles, and rule over their world. At first, the twenty monarchs had treated each other equally and installed an Empty Throne to ensure that no dictator would try to rise up from them, placing weapons before the throne to symbolize the vow of never sitting on it. Afterwards, new royal families had been hand-picked to rule the nations the founders could not watch over anymore, and to ensure a smooth transition, all references to the previous monarchs had been removed from their home countries. Cobra said that the sole exception was the monarch of his own kingdom: Queen Nefertari Lili, who had chosen to remain ruling over her people in Arabasta, which is why there are only nineteen weapons at the feet of the Empty Throne. The Elders confirmed his story and asked what his point was, and Cobra said that through all the accounts chronicling the period after the Void Century he managed to scrounge together, Lili's name was not mentioned once. To Cobra, he believed Queen Lili never made it back home, and the ruler of the country ended up being her younger brother. To that, he asked if they knew what exactly happened to her. Lisesharte then challenges Lux to a Drag-Ride duel. Drag-Rides are ancient armored mechanical weapons that have been excavated from ruins all around the world. Lux used to be called the strongest Drag-Knight, but now he's known as the "undefeated weakest" Drag-Knight because he will absolutely not attack in battle. After his duel with Lisesharte, Lux ends up attending the female-only academy that trains royals to be Drag-Knights. (Source: ANN) StudioLerche SourceLight novel ThemesHaremMechaSchool 6. 53 396K Add to My List Golden Boy 395856 8.
I have to admit, the characters in this anime feel so much more genuine than I’ve seen in hundreds other rom-com. Horimiya is by far the most genuine feeling rom-com I’ve ever seen. The character interactions elevates this anime to another level. First off, the interaction between the quartet—Hori, Miyamura, Yoshikawa, Ishikawa, they feel so calming. There is a certain warm feeling in this anime, and it’s all thanks to the characters. It’s almost surprising how they can develop the side characters so well in an anime that focuses on two characters.