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Le Guin in regards to how Daigo uses his body as part of the bargain to obtain prosperity for his land. Although Hyakkimaru's quest to recover his body might give chaos back to the world, he is unwilling to be a guinea pig anymore as he expresses his desire to stop living in pain, something that clashes with the comments of other people close to him like Jukai who fears his adoptive son's being devoted to violence or Dororo because he is a victim of war. The website further compared the tragic world of Dororo with Le Guin's The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas. Across both stories, the cast of the series express regrets in their choices which led to Hyakkimaru's chaotic life, giving the message that children should also express themselves. [19] Biggest in Japan considered Hyakkimaru's journey as an inversion from the hero's journey, rather than becoming a stronger person, he instead becomes weaker due to fighting with a more common body, and like other writers, cited his tragic story with Mio and friendship with as one of the series' biggest strengths as they further change the main character's personality. Hyakkimaru develops his own identity while fighting across the narrative.7: Bonus A Day with the Glayder Siblings 15. 04. 2023 TALES OF DEMONS AND GODS Chapter 465. 5 13 hours ago Chapter 465 02. 03. 2024 One Piece Chapter 1109 01.